Red Jasper
Hand Carved square red jasper with a gold plated ending.
•noun: from the Greek word iaspis: Jasper.
color: Red through brown.
chakras: Root (1st) and Sacral (2nd)
sign: Taurus
element: Earth
vibration number: 6
Origin: India, Russia, France, Germany, Mexico, Madagascar, Venezuela, and U.S.
History: It owes its color to iron impurities. The Dutch thought this Jasper controlled blood flow due to its color. It has been used in conception and creative fervor since the 1500s.
Healing properties: The stone of vitality, it is a gemstone of protection and stability. It inspires a positive attitude keeping a strong bond to the Earth. This stone will help stabilize emotional turbulence and dim toxic thoughts.
Red Jasper relieves depressive states and drives away negative thoughts. It is used as an aphrodisiachelping to activate the sexual life, healing impotence and frigidity, stabilizing pregnancy and promoting the good development of the unborn baby. It can be used for digestive problems such as constipation, for bleeding, joint pain and muscle contractures.