Metaphysical Library

Abalone shell

It carries energies of protection and emotional balance. It brings tranquility and is helpful for those going through emotional turmoil or having a hard time dealing with a situation in a relationship. It provides the confidence necessary to view situations from a new, more understanding perspective.


Fire Agate

The stone of eternal youth, it has a great power of vibration, attracting love and passion. It offers protection, inspiration, and courage. It intensifies all emotions and connects the wearer with his most intimate desires. It helpful for creativity and artistic expression.


Black Agate

The stone of strength, it condenses extra energy and increases personal power and vital energy. It allows to make good decisions and successfully take care of any situation. It keeps away resentment, fear and hypochondria, and prevents the manifestation of depression or melancholy. It brings luck and happiness.


This stone reminds us it is always possible to be happy. It has the ability to mitigate emotions due to its powerful filtering action: On a physical level, it blocks the tensions from cellphones or electronic devices. On a mental level, it filters the information that passes through the brain combining it with intuition. )t relieves trauma, calms worry and fear, and dissipates negative energy.


Blue Lace Agate

It’s a stone that attracts children for having a line with energy of innocence, joy and purity. It helps to release the truth within us, without censorship or judgment. It has the ability to fight the fear and stress from the loss of energy at work, home and other places. Blue Lace Agate helps in cases of oral expression, in conferences, and to declare love to the loved one. It frees from shyness and helps to speak more eloquently. It’s a symbol of freedom, and serenity.



A natural stress reliever, it is a stone that comforts pain and provides relief in times of distress. It balances and protects the memory against external negative energies. It can transform unpleasant environments into pleasant ones. It eliminates depressive states and helps make sterile women fertile.


It has qualities of Citrine and Amethyst. A powerful cleaner both energy and physical level, it favors meditation, concentration, intelligence and memory. Its energy brings harmony and can calm any duality.


It transmits peace, love and inspiration. Stimulates expressiveness, and strengthens the magnetic field protecting the aura and helping release tension and stress. This stone builds tolerance and responsibility acting on the intellect and brain, and it helps to modify harmful behavior patterns, and to overcome depression and melancholy.



Ammonite Fossil

It is a very powerful earth-healing fossil that symbolizes change and evolution. It helps stimulate the life force energy and draws off all negative energies. It will also help to lift the heaviness that is sometimes felt during depression.

Ammonite Fossils are also said to attract good health, prosperity and success. Ammonites are incredible allies for anyone trying to start a new project or journey in life.

Auralite 23

The soul healer, it is the most powerful crystal on the planet holding the energies of over 23 different elements and minerals all in one, that can be successfully used in meditation in order to connect and communicate with spirit guides and guardians. It eases nerves and anxiety in times of great stress, and it is also a stone that can be called upon for comfort and calming, during times of shock and distress.

Blue Apatite

The stone of sincerity, it boosts sincere friendship without conflict, creating strong ties with other people. It open the heart to receive motivational and inspirational energy strengthening personal power.


Known as the gamblers stone, it attracts good fortune and luck. It provides strength to confront the fear of lacking control, losing reason or not having mind control.

It brings peace and tranquility to the room where it is placed and enhances optimism balancing body and spirit.


It holds a gentle, uplifting energy that relieves heavy moods, Recommended for shy people, it is a stone that provides self-confidence, and is recommended against the stress from difficult relationships or unfamiliar situations. To overcome mental and psychological problems, it brings enormous inner peace and increases perception bringing great creativity.


Known as the money stone, it is believed to elevate optimism and energy, therefore bringing opportunity, prosperity, and abundance. Citrine reactivates the intellectual activity, it provides encouragement, hope and joy of living by reducing self-destructive tendencies and raising the level of self-esteem. It is one of the few crystals that doesn’t hold negative energy.



It is a good stone for meditation, because it connects with the universe; It serves as a link with the body and moves the stuck energy making it flow. It helps to strengthen self-confidence and attracts prosperity and abundance. Whom is original, avant-garde and aesthetic is inclined to success with it. It helps to find what’s lost.

Dinossaur Bone

It is considered a stone that imparts memory and ancient knowledge; it is deeply rooted in antiquity, and used in the past life healing. It increases energy and survival capacity as well as communication skills. It is useful in dealing with anxiety and situations of emergency. It calms the apprehension, and assists in gaining the knowledge and strength to create proper boundaries.


The stone of peace, it is associated with the moon and the feminine, water and emotions. It promotes harmony and removes negative emotions facilitating communication from the heart. It relieves stress and anxiety.


The crystal that houses rainbows, Flourite helps restore the balance and bring order to chaos. It heightens focus and brings clarity of mind harmonizing mind and spirit, and positive and negative sides of one’s self. It is great for meditation because it allows the mind to work in stressful situations.


It helps to connect with the inner self, healing from within, as the crystals in the geode grow inside the rock. They remind one of their powerful inner qualities, and help to share the knowledge to friends and family. Geodes assist with harmony and creativity. They can help communicate with divine beings and assist in creating better moods, and energies that can help with meditation and decision-making.


The stone of dedication, it helps to enhance performance for tasks that require a lot of effort. It eliminates negative forces, stimulating creativity, protecting the aura, and helping to express emotions. It opens the path of love, removing obstacles to be with the couple. It makes it wearer open up towards to constructive criticism and increases the ability to help without forgetting oneself.


Lemurian Jade

The stone of Soul Commitment, it strengthens the hearts relations, between partners far and near. It helps to bring stability between partners, as well as encouraging a healthy relationship without confusion or friction.


It balances the mind and spirit. This stone stimulates all chakras, dissolving energy blocks. It opens the heart, balances emotions, and destroys negative patterns. It facilitates verbal, empathic, musical, emotional and artistic communication while stimulating spontaneity.

Red Jasper

The stone of vitality, it is a gemstone of protection and stability. It inspires a positive attitude keeping a strong bond to the Earth. This stone will help stabilize emotional turbulence and dim toxic thoughts. Red Jasper relieves depressive states and drives away negative thoughts. It is used as an aphrodisiac helping to activate the sexual life.

Lapiz Lazuli

A crystal of awareness, insight, and truth, it is the stone of communication. It is recommended to think rationally, and is used to meditate and relax. It provides vitality, organization, mental flexibility and creativity attracting fame and fortune while balancing energy.


It is the crystal for someone who is looking for the right partner. Malachite is a stone of transformation that clears and cleanse the heart chakra helping balance the mind to relieve scattered and unfocused feelings. It removes negative patterns to enhance energy.


The stone of divine love, it prevents judgments of racism and sexism providing clear thoughts and the ability to see different perspectives of love. It stimulates creativity and self-control, and drives to make good use of the time.



The stone of transformation, it is excellent for new experiences and facilitates meditation, dreams and hypnosis. It provides mental balance and opens the mind to new possibilities allowing a rapid evolution and spiritual growth. Moldavite calms anguish, insomnia and asthma. It strengthens personal charm and increases seduction.


The stone of changes, It has the power to through life. It increase creativity, inspiration, imagination and memory. It wards off inhibitions and develops psychic abilities amplifying sensations and highlighting good characteristics.


The spiritual stone, it provides physical, spiritual and mental fierceness. It encloses the feminine mysteries, associating the intuitive side of the mind with the energy of the moon. It allows its wearer to act diplomatically in difficult situations, facilitates new beginnings, and stimulates inner growth, as it provides calm, control, balance, composure, compassion and peace.

Clear Quartz

It is the stone of well-being, it provides quality of life, making the wearer happier. It helps purify energies, and is indicated for cleaning meditations. It serves to transmit, project, channel and activate all energy forms providing harmony of spirit and intelect. It helps to unlock and charge vital centers with energy, favoring the circulation of light from the body.

Rutilated Quartz

Helping in meditation and favoring artistic creation, it brings calm and balances personality away from depression, negativity and unbridled anger. It’s indicated for those who require decision power. This stone can help to unlock traumatic situations grounding self-centered and perfectionist people.


Known as the rescue stone, and stone of forgiveness, it is a crystal of power. It promotes the energy of love eliminating negative emotions such as jealousy, greed, racism, frustration, and resentment. It stimulates the emotional relationships of family, friends and couples overcoming the fear to commit and take responsibility.


Smoky Quartz

The stone of intuition, it is ideal for grounding and centering energies. This crystal is considered to protect against injustice, it helps to overcome sorrows and burdens, and brings self-control to people who spend a lot of money.


The stone of penetration, it grants skills to reach logical conclusions, and helps to strengthen the confidence, communication, inspiration and intuition. It stimulates relaxation, clears the mind, vanishes egocentrism and vanity.It is the perfect stone for those who seek independence since it attenuates fear and anxiety producing serenity and peace.

Tourmalinated Quartz

A very powerful crystal, the stone of constancy has the properties of both minerals. This crystal allows you to have good experiences and follow a correct pattern of behavior helping solve problems and rejecting negative energies. It develops harmony, patience and mental clarity, and also purifies the spirit and accumulated energies.


It is the Stone of Love and Passion. It allows to accept the affections that nourish the soul, while being effective against melancholy and sadness. It provides emotional balance, gentleness and tenderness. Tourmaline increases the ability to decide balancing yin and yan, cleaning the aura and expelling negative energies back to the Earth. It remove fear, negativity, and the feeling of being a victim.

Black Tourmaline

The Stone of Light, Black Tourmaline has the power to transmute and purify the negative energy into healthy energy. It is a magnificent amulet that provides vitality and allows for emotional stability reducing stress levels.



The stone of abundance, it brings good luck, firmness and strength. It is used to open the third eye providing vitality, good memory, patience and honesty. It is a magnificent emotional balancer that purifies, stabilizes and soothes the spirit. It allows to adapt to transcendental changes such as moving, menopause or retirement. An ideal crystal to meditate, it helps overcome states of anxiety.



Green Tourmaline

The Stone of Rebirth, it makes it possible to resurface after a failure. It provides great spiritual strength and purifies the soul. This crystal inspires creativity, attracting abundance and prosperity. It unlocks emotions and favors enjoying sexuality. It develops compassion, and helps to finalize projects.



The stone of nobility, it provides health, energy, well-being, passion, creativity, abundance, protection, balance, knowledge and longevity. It helps to make appropriate decisions stimulating concentration, and softening controversies and disputes. It also develops ability to negotiate, gives luck in love and gambling, and is a magnificent aphrodisiac.


The stone of firmness, it activates relationships and love helping to foster creativity, imagination, ingenuity and invention. It symbolizes the search for perfection, rectitude, firmness of character and willpower clarifying mental obstacles.


The stone of prosperity, it increases intuition, joy and well-being allowing to achieve dreams, goals, and ambitions. It provides abundance, success and fame. It is recommended for treatments against depression, anxiety and lack of mood since it helps to balance emotions.