Enfocar Green Calcite

Green Calcite

$ 1,500.00

Gold plated chain bracelet with hand carved green calcite .

noun: from  german Calcite,

color: Ranges from  RED,GREEN AND BLUE.

chakras: Root Chakra (1th) and Heart (4th)


element: FIRE

vibration number: 5

Origin: Africa,Brazil,Czech Republic,Germany,India, Madagascar,Mexico,Romania,UK,USA.

History: Study of the Phanerozoic Period reveals calcite seas and aragonite seas, seas which were home to a multitude of invertebrate organisms safely protected in calcite shells. Egg shells, coral and pearls also contain forms of calcite. Ancient Egyptians carved many items out of calcite,relating  it to their goddesS.

Healing properties: reduces stress and hypertension, soothes imbalances which bring on fatigue and exhaustion and helps activate inner reserves of energy. It helps rejuvenate and revitalize the entire physical body. Red Calcite can be used to assist in all physical healing because of its relationship with the base chakra, which is the root of all physicality, is beneficial for the genitals, reproductive organs, gonads, ovaries, hips, legs, feet, stiff muscles and joints.Red Calcite is said to increase stamina and vitality.  It boosts courage and assists in overcoming fears, and is soothing during a panic attack, or for those who need helping “coming down” from an intense situation. It bolsters inner strength, and some say it can even attract love.



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